Editor Cinve

Half of the growth in last 11 years was due to external factors

EL PAÍS newspaper publishes the result of a study conducted by CINVE on the country's economic growth in the last 11 years. http://www.elpais.com.uy/economia/noticias/mitad-crecimiento-uruguay-factores-externos.html?utm_source=news-elpais&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Mitad%20del%20crecimiento%20de%20%C3%BAltimos%2011%20a%C3%B1os%20fue%20por%20factores%20externos&utm_content=15112014&utm_campaign=Resumen%20Matutino  

A nonlinear approach to the tourism-led growth hypothesis: the case of the MERCOSUR

Abstract This paper analyses the tourism-led growth hypothesis for the four countries of the MERCOSUR regional trade block. By applying nonlinear techniques, we explore whether...

Expectations and industrial output in Uruguay: Sectoral interdependence and common trends

ABSTRACT This paper examines the interdependence between expectations and growth by analysing Uruguayan manufacturing industry, divided for the purpose into four industry groupings differentiated by...

Diego Aboal has published the paper: Contract Enforcement and Investment: A Systematic Review of the Evidence

Diego Aboal has published the paper: Contract Enforcement and Investment: A Systematic Review of the Evidence World Development, Volume 64, December 2014, Pages 322-338. Diego Aboal, Nelson...

Cecilia Velázquez, researcher at CINVE, received a scholarship to finish her studies abroad.

Cecilia Velázquez, researcher at CINVE, holds a degree in Economy from the 'Universidad de la República' and is currently studying a PhD in Economy...

Fernando Lorenzo participated in II-LATIN AMERICA EUROPE ECONOMIC FORUM

Fernando Lorenzo participated in II-LATIN AMERICA EUROPE ECONOMIC FORUM held on 20 and 21 May at the OECD headquarters in Paris. The II Europe-Latin American...

La política de tiempo completo y los resultados educativos en la enseñanza media

Revista de Economía del Banco Central del Uruguay, Segunda Época, Vol.21, Num.1.Montevideo, Mayo 2014. Cecilia Llambí. Abstract: This paper reviews and discusses the application of four...

New research project

New research project The cinve’s Project “US Monetary Policy and Commodity Prices Shocks, China’s Deceleration, and Fiscal Policy Reaction in Latin America in the Post-Crisis...