Editor Cinve


Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide evidence for the tourism-led-growth hypothesis for the four countries of MERCOSUR regional trade block, analyz- ing...

Jamaica’s need to appropriate economic value

Introduction The growth in services has become a significant part of the global economy, with services accounting for an increasingly significant proportion of nations’ GDP...

Innovation and Productivity in Services: An impact evaluation of Colciencias funding programs in Colombia

Abstract Globalization and the transition of economies and societies towards a system based on knowledge and information have intensified competition and interdependence among countries. We...

Quantitative Analysis Component: On the Determinants of Innovation in Services and its Linkages with Productivity

Introduction "Analysis of services sector and innovation activities taken separately are scanty for Peruvian economy and taken together not existent. The average share of real...

Case Study Analysis for Chile Innovation in Services * Short Version

    Introduction "The service sector is increasingly important in Latin America, accounting currently for more than 60 percent of the continent’s GDP (IADB, 2012). However,...

Impact Evaluation of Innovation Programs in the Chilean Services Sector

Abstract This paper evaluates the impact of overall participation in innovation public programs on the performance of firms in the services industry. Using information from...

Biotechnology services in Latin America by small and medium enterprises A study of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay

Executive summary This paper is about a specific type of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS), namely R&D services in biotechnology, and their growth in four...

Diego Aboal will participate in the international congress to be held in Bogotá.

Diego Aboal will participate in a discussion table about service innovation previous to IX Iberoamerican Congress on Science and Technology Indicators jointly organized by...