Editor Cinve

Cecilia Llambí will be presenting the 7th number of the journal Páginas de Educación as invited editor.

Cecilia Llambí will be presenting the 7th number of the journal Páginas de Educación as invited editor of the dossier Economics and education. Wednesday...

Diego Aboal will present a paper in the EMAEE Conference 2015

Diego Aboal will present a paper in the EMAEE Conference 2015: Globalisation, Innovation and Economic Change to be held at the University of Maastricht,...

A nonlinear approach to the tourism-led growth hypothesis: the case of the MERCOSUR

Abstract This paper analyses the tourism-led growth hypothesis for the four countries of the MERCOSUR regional trade block. By applying nonlinear techniques, we explore whether...

Diego Aboal will be participating in the Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean

Diego Aboal will be participating in the Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean. March 24-27, Busan,...

New working paper by Diego Aboal and Ezequiel Tacsit

New working paper by Diego Aboal and Ezequiel Tacsit: Innovation and productivity in services and manufacturing: The role of ICT investment. UNU-Merit  Working Paper 2015-012. http://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/wppdf/2015/wp2015-012.pdf

Advanced Quantitaive Methods certificate

cinve anounces its 7th edition of Advanced Training in Quantitative Methods. Registration will start March 11/2015Cinve anuncia la 7a. edición del certificado de Formación Avanzada en Métodos Cuantitativos. Las inscripciones quedarán abiertas a partir del 11 de marzo próximo.

Francisco Rosas has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics (IJFAEC). ISSN 2147-8988.

Francisco Rosas (https://cinve.org.uy/en/integrante/francisco-rosas/) has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics (IJFAEC). ISSN 2147-8988. http://foodandagriculturejournal.com/ The...

COURSE “Techniques for Impact Assessment”

In March 2015, during summer school, CINVE will be offering again the course “Techniques for Impact Assessment ”. One of the text book authors: “Guía Práctica para la Evaluación de Impacto” de Bernal y Peña, will be teaching some sessions.En Marzo de 2015 cinve ofrecerá nuevamente el curso “Técnicas para la Evaluación de Impacto” durante la escuela de verano. Tendremos el honor de contar con la prticipación de una de las autoras del libro base del curso: “Guía Práctica para la Evaluación de Impacto” de Bernal y Peña.