Diego Aboal will be participating in the Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean. March 24-27, Busan, South Korea.
Diego Aboal will be participating in the Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean

Por Editor Cinve
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Economic complexity of goods and services in Uruguay
Complejidad económica uruguaya en bienes y servicios
The objective of this work was to explore the recent history and diagnosis of the complexity of Uruguay's...
The Impact of a Mathematics Computer‐Assisted Learning Platform on Students’ Mathematics Test Scores
Marcelo Perera
Diego Aboal
Since 2013, the Uruguayan educational system has been using an online adaptive learning tool for
mathematics: The Mathematics Adaptive Platform (PAM for its...
Knowledge networks for innovation in the forestry sector: Multinational companies in Uruguay
Diego Aboal, FLavia Rovira y Federico Veneri.
In this paper, we analyse the role that inter-agency and inter-business linkages have in the process of technological...
Discovering specific common trends in a large set of disaggregates: statistical procedures, their properties and an empirical application
Guillermo Carlomagno: Central Bank of Chile and Center of Economic Research (CINVE)
Antoni Espasa: Department of Statistics and Instituto Flores de Lemus, University Carlos III...
A guide for the evaluation of programs of human capital training for science, technology and innovation
Diego Aboal, Marcelo Perera, Ezequiel Tacsir & Maren Vairo
We provide a practical guide for impact evaluation of Training and Human Capital programs in Science...
Noticias relacionadas
Diego Aboal was designated as member of the scientific committee of LALIC
Diego Aboal was designated as member of the scientific committee of LALICS, the Latin-American chapter of GLOBELICS. <http://www.globelics.org/
CINVE starts a research project on Obstacles
CINVE starts a research project on Obstacles for Innovation in Paraguay for the National Council of Science and Technology of Paraguay (CONACYT)
<http://www.conacyt.gov.py/> http://www.conacyt.gov.py/
On November 16 and 17, 2017, the 10th Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development Conference (MEIDE) will be held in Montevideo at the Faculty...
Diego Aboal in Buenos Aires from 9 October.
Diego Aboal attend the FES – NUSO workshop on Productive Structure, Intensive Agriculture and Innovation:
Towards the Social-Ecological Transformation of the Economies in Latin America...
Diego Aboal and Gonzalo Zunino published the article entitled Innovation and Skills in Latin America in the Integration and Trade Magazine 42 (Robotlución) of...
Diego Aboal and Gonzalo Zunino published the article entitled Innovation and Skills in Latin America in the Integration and Trade Magazine 42
(Robotlución) of IDB...
Publication in the journal Research Evaluation by Diego Aboal and Ezequiel Tacsir
The paper The Impact of Subsidies on Researcher's Productivity: Evidence from a Developing Country by Diego Aboal and Ezequiel Tacsir has been
accepted for publication...