Editor Cinve

New publication in a journal

New publication in a journal The paper “Innovation, Firm Size, Technology Intensity and Employment Generation: The Evidence from the Uruguayan Manufacturing Sector” by Diego Aboal,...

Presentation in a seminar in Paraguay

Presentation in a seminar in Paraguay Diego Aboal  presented in Paraguay on November 27 the results of the research The Costs of Crime in Paraguay....

New research project – CINVE together with CENIT of Argentina are carrying out a job for Uruguay XXI

New research project CINVE togheter with CENIT (Argentina) are generating a new methodology for classifying exports according to their technological content. This is a work...

Does public financial support to innovation increase innovation and productivity? An Impact Evaluation

Abstract  The aim of this paper is to contribute to the scarce empirical literature that evaluates the effects of public financial support to innovation on...

Diego Aboal will participate as a presenter in the LALICS 2013

Diego Aboal will participate as a presenter in the LALICS 2013 Conference on National Innovation Systems and CTI Policies for Inclusive and Sustainable Development,...

Diego Aboal will participate as a presenter in the Conference on Micro Evidence on Innovation in Developing Economies (MEIDE)

Diego Aboal will participate as a presenter in the Conference on Micro Evidence on Innovation in Developing Economies (MEIDE), Santiago de Chile November 7-8,...


Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide evidence for the tourism-led-growth hypothesis for the four countries of MERCOSUR regional trade block, analyz- ing...

A nonlinear approach to the tourism-led growth hypothesis: the case of the MERCOSUR

Abstract This paper analyses the tourism-led growth hypothesis for the four countries of the MERCOSUR regional trade block. By applying nonlinear techniques, we explore whether...