Francisco Rosas´s recent publication of a journal article at Climatic Change journal co-authored with Dermot J. Hayes and Bruce A. Babcock from Iowa State...
Mondelli, M and P. Klein
Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming
Unlike most other mature industries, the agricultural production sector is domi-nated by family firms, partnerships, and...
P. Klein, J. Chapman, and M. Mondelli
Academy of Management Perspectives, Forthcoming (Abstract)
Private equity (PE) is best understood not as a financing method, but as governance...
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, EUA.
ABSTRACT: This dissertation investigates the determinants that influence a firm‘s decision to
use external private equity in agriculture. Scholars...
Maester Thesis in Economía, Department of Economics, Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil.
ABSTRACT:What are the determinants of the contractual arrangement choice in the beef producersprocessors transactions...