Economía de la Innovación

Paper aceptado «Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Governance: Time for a Balanced View.»

A study of Peter  Klein, John Chapman and Mario Mondelli has been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of Academy of Management Perspectives. The paper´s title is...

Firm Size, Knowledge Intensity and Employment Generation. The Microeconometric Evidence for the Service Sector in Uruguay.

Resumen/ Abstract: The employment impact of innovation in the heterogeneous universe of services was studied using data from the 2004–09 Uruguayan service innovation surveys. The...

External Equity Financing of Agrifood Firms

Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, EUA. ABSTRACT: This dissertation investigates the determinants that influence a firm‘s decision to use external private equity in agriculture. Scholars have...

Innovation, Firm size, Technology Intensity, and Employment Generation in Uruguay. The microeconometric evidence.

Resumen/ Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between innovation and employment, in terms of both its quantity and quality, in...

Trayectorias tecnológicas en la ganadería uruguaya, un enfoque evolucionista

Tesis de grado, Facultad de Agronomía, Univ. de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.      ................ RESUMEN: En la década del 90 la ganadería uruguaya experimenta...

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