Macroeconomía y Finanzas

“Competitive” real exchange rate and other mismatched solutions

One of the main challenges facing economic policy in the present is to find a strategy of sustained growth, which allows to achieve high...

Robust Monetary Policy in a Financially Vulnerable Economy

So far the literature on robust monetary policy has used, without exception, very simplified economic models, and with only one exception, assuming closed economy. This paper...

Description and evaluation of a methodological framework for the diagnosis and prediction of inflation in Uruguay

This paper presents a methodological scheme for the analysis of inflation, as well as a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the performance of the system...

Optimal monetary rule for a small, open and dollarized economy

This work ventures into an unexplored area of ​​monetary policy in Uruguay: the discussion of optimal monetary policy (the rule) in a context of...

Ratings, debt and banking crisis: the Uruguayan experience in 2002

During 2002 the Uruguayan economy endured a run of bank deposits which reduced the stock at the beginning of the year by almost half, and...

Quantitative methods for analysis and forecast of Uruguayan industrial activity

This paper presents a set of statistical-econometric models for the Physical Volume Index (IVF) of the Uruguayan manufacturing industry. They are considered monthly data for the...

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