“Technological change and Labour market trends in Latin America and the Caribbean: A task content approach.”

Autores:   Gonzalo Zunino e Ignacio Apella

Publicado en:  Cepal Review.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the employment profile trends in Latin American and the  Caribbean countries according to the task content performed by the workers in their jobs. This analysis seeks to approximate the impact of technological change on the labour market. The paper uses the definition of an indicator that captures the relative importance of four types of tasks, cognitive/manual and routine/non-routine, based on the information provided by Occupational Information Network (O*NET) and household surveys. The analysis finds that in the last two decades occupations intensive in cognitive abilities have been presented a growing demand and higher remuneration than occupations intensive in manual task. Therefore, cognitive skills are a key variable to have a better insertion in the current and future labour markets.

Keywords: Technological change, Labour market, Productivity.

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