“Teacher Quality and Cross Country Differences in Student Achievements: An application of PIAAC data.»

Autores: Gonzalo Zunino y Ana Hidalgo-Cabrillana,
Trabajo presentado en 6th PIAAC International Conference. Roma, Italia. Enero de 2020. OECD.

Teacher’s quality is arguably one of the main determinants of student’s
outcomes, yet it is notoriously hard to measure. This paper
proposes and calibrates a micro-founded theoretical model of teacher
selection for a panel of 22 OECD countries for the period 2000-2015
in order to infer teacher quality (TQ thereafter). In the model, TQ
is endogenously generated as a result of individuals decisions to apply
for a teaching position and school decisions to select and recruit their
teachers. Our occupational choice model of TQ is consistent with
the observed non-linear relationship between student outcomes and
teacher wages. The counterfactual exercises nd that cross-country
differences in TQ explains approximately 22% of the observed crosscountry
variance in students outcomes, its effect is quite similar to
the family background effect. We also f nd that initial distributions
of observable skills on the population are crucial to determine current
differences in TQ across countries, while teacher salaries and other
labour market conditions are of lesser importance.

Keywords: Roy model, teacher selection, distribution of adult skills,
student achievements, teacher quality.

Programa de la Conferancia.

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