Convocamos al Próximo Seminario de CINVE; JUEVES 11/07/2019 De 11:00 horas a 14:00 ; En esta instancia, Sebastián Etchemendy

Invitamos a todos a participar del seminario el dia JUEVES 7 DE Julio, realizado en CINVE ,Uruguay 1242 esquina YI, en el horario de 11 a 14 horas.
En esta instancia nos presenta, Sebastián Etchemendy (Universidad Torcuato di Tella-Argentina) su articulo :
  «The Construction and Stabilization of Segmented Neo-Corporatism: Institutional Legacies, Left Power and Wage Coordination in Uruguay (2005-2017)»
The rise and stabilization of centralized and state-oriented wage negotiations, «segmented neo-corporatism», in Uruguay between 2005 and 2017 is remarkable on both regional and global terms. This study seeks to explain this Uruguayan exceptionalism. It argues, first, that the legacy of a labor law framework for centralized collective bargaining, and a unified labor movement, were combined with FA’s decisive institutional organization form above to launch neo-corporatist wage coordination in 2005-10. Second, the article attempts to explain the stabilization of 2013-17 in times of sluggish growth and labor tensions, evinced in the control of inflation pressures and social conflict. It shows that (some degree of) wage restraint was largely achieved through greater government activism in tripartite negotiations, and through the tightening of monetary policy oriented to make inflation projections credible. Finally, the article puts the Uruguayan case in the light of recent debates about the origins of Coordinated Capitalism. 

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